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Painting UPVC Doors and Windows

Have you been wanting to modernise your home and get rid of the boring white UPVC doors?. Have you had enough of the sun bleached brown UPVC windows and want to refresh it?

This post will walk you through the best way to paint UPVC so you can begin to transform your home.


What is UPVC ?

UPVC is a type of plastic utilised for exterior trims such as doors, window frame and down pipes. UPVC doors in particular are a highly secure, low maintenance choice for the home.

Unfortunately, UPVC doors and windows can be an unsightly addition to a property as they often look dated, especially in white. They also suffer from discolouration over a period often leading to many people replacing them which can be costly.

Can UPVC Be Painted ?

A question we get asked a lot is "Can i paint my UPVC door ?". The simple answer is, yes. As UPVC doors are made of plastic it is understandable that some would question the ability to paint on this surface. The key factor in this is applying the right paint to your door or window to avoid paint failure.

Additional issues surrounding painting on any exterior surface comes from the climate. The ever present damp weather, cold snaps and thermal expansion can be an issue. If the paint doesn’t match the plastics expanding and contracting tendencies, then this will be evidently seen with peeling paint. Furthermore, any paint applied to UPVC doors and windows must be able to withstand weathering, as any low-quality paint will allow moisture to get underneath the paint film, causing it to peel off.

How To Paint UPVC Doors

  1. Preparation

If you are planning on painting your UPVC doors or windows, the 1st step; in order to achieve the best end result, is preparation. Make sure the surface is thoroughly cleaned to help with the paint adhesion, a simple bucket of warm clean water will do the trick, or if needed, sugar soap. Avoid using washing up liquid or a cleaning detergent as this can leave a film on the surface and stop the paint sticking. A light sanding down of the area being painted can be done, but it isn't essential for the product recommended further on. Next, if needed, apply some good quality masking tape, protecting the areas you don't want to get paint on.

2. Getting The Paint

A big favourite here at A and B Trade Paints; with ourselves and our trade and retail customers, is the Bedec Multi-Surface Paint (or MSP for short) and with good reason too. As the name suggests, the MSP can be applied to almost any surface with little or no problems due to it being a self priming topcoat. Meaning you don't need to buy an extra tin of primer and undercoat, just apply 2 coats of MSP. With this product being water-based too, you can easily get 2 coats on within an hour, rather than a couple of days with conventional oil based paints. So whilst we have pointed you in the right direction for the product, all you have to do is choose a finish. Another advantage of the MSP is it comes in 3 different finishes, matt, satin and gloss.

3. Choosing A Colour

So now you have prepared your door, got the right product and picked your preferred finish, one last thing you need to decide on is colour. Quite an important part in selecting the right colour for your doors and windows. Here at A and B Trade Paints, we are able to mix the MSP in a vast range of colours from most ranges of paint, including BS4800, RAL and NSC, as well as all the big names in the paint world, which gives you the flexibility to be creative.

The most popular shade for UPVC today is by far Anthracite Grey (7016 on the RAL chart), which you will no doubt recognise on thousands of modern homes across the UK. Luckily, this colour is readily available off the shelf at our store in the MSP in all 3 finishes.

4. Painting

You need to make sure your doors and windows are dry before you start painting them, or else the paint won't stick. Make sure the temperature is above 5°C and below 20°C, too cold and the paint won't dry, too hot and it will try too quick, causing it to drag as you are applying it and leave an unsightly finish. You can apply this product either with a brush or a roller, applying a thin 1st coat so it can fully dry before applying a 2nd. We would recommend a good synthetic brush whilst this product is water based.

Finished Look

If you are thinking about painting your doors and / or windows, you will probably want to know what the end result will look like. Take a look below at some jobs down by our trustworthy trade customers

We hope this has answered any questions you may have had regarding painting your UPVC doors & windows. If you require any more help, just send an email to us at


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